Royal family

How does the Royle Family represent the lives and values of a family on benefits?
  • How are they represented – dress, actions, speech?
  • What are their values?
  • What do they do?
  • How do they behave?
  • Are these characters stereotypes?
  • Are the representations fair?
Is the representation of state benefits confirmed or subverted?


The family is represented as a low working class family. Their dressed in old clothes where the colours and pattern often don't match. The younger ones of the family (who are in their 20s) attempt to look fashionable and though what the older folk wear isn't exactly high fashion they attempt a dressing style that is presentable for the social class they are part of; it is still quite obvious that they are not rich family.
Their action show no sophistication: the mother lazily sits huddled up with her daughters (i assume) and one the daughters' date who is uncomfortably squished in between his date and her sister. The fact that for their first, so we're told later on in the episode, was at the girls place with the family watching telly, right their right then. They do not offer any beverages or attempt to get to know him. The father thinks that his wife has purposely took the batteries just to see him get out of the house. He is completely deluded into thinking that she is playing mind trick on him, causing an out burst of angry words and slight cussing to escape his mouth. This shows that the family isn't close at all and there are some serious issues between husband and wife. The reaction of the whole family apart Mr. Date (the date of one of the daughters, who I just made up a name for the sake of this post), is relaxed and calm take absolutely no notice of the raging father. This suggest that the happening wasn't anything unusual and that it was a frequent happening amongst the family. However it also shows the family members a little ignorant.
The characters use informal language, cussing and generally speak with a northern accent giving implication of where the scene is set, beside the obvious (their house).

The characters values seem to be peace and calm for they stay unaffected by the shouting,cussing and fussing from the father. This could show that family unity is not valued at all because the smallest problem, such as the missing batteries can disturb the figure head. However this exactly could be argued to be the sign that while one of them fuming with anger over something trivial, the others are undisturbed by it.

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