Wednesday 12 December 2012

Brief of Main task

Brief: main task

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.

All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of FOUR images per candidate.

What this means for you:

·      Researching consumer/audience demands (primary)
·      Research analysis of primary results
·      Researching existing media products (secondary)
·      Research analysis of secondary products
·      Action planning
·      Producing a shot list including mise-en-scene, angles etc
·      Produce a mock up of front page, contents and double page
·      Peer reviews of mock up design ideas
·      Evaluating mock ups in consideration for final production work
·      Produce a front page that USES the conventions of music magazines
·      Produce a contents that USES the conventions of music magazines and that matches the style of the front page – your image selection will be important here
·      Produce a double-page article that USES the conventions of music magazines
·      Evaluate your production work and the skills you have developed.

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